I tried to review HiFri’s 13 in every angle possible and now HiFri 1+3 Cable Rolling. I didn’t hear so but I know cables change the sound. Thus I thought cable rolling would be miss while reviewing his DIY iems. First one Est122v2 is here
Now HiFri 1+3 Cable Rolling
Source is dx300 M gain. And I used my standard reference songs. Both are live and master work.
Stock Cable

Jazz at the Pawnhouse: Limehouse Blues // Transparency is pretty good with slight bumps in it’s bass. The somehow recessed mids I had seen at it’s FR graph are clear but even though the shyness there, still providing me a very musical vibe. The vibrato is like 8/10 sound quality and its good considering its DIY status. Extension fest is almost like HM here save the loss at transparency. HM is a wonder kid in town :p
Hans Zimmer Live in Prague: Driving // Crowd cheering and applaudıng fanatically are easly heard. The constant drum is not causing any mess here. But bass control was taking a hit when the rock band started playing. But musicality, tonality and details didn’t take a hit. Soundstage is stadium wide here even with the stock and mundane cable
Conclusions: Better than decent even though stock cabled. Pretty good at live smooth jazz if you don’t mind the occasional bumps. And good at stadium symphonic music of 96 instruments.
6N Pure Copper Cable

Jazz at the Pawnhouse: Limehouse Blues // MUCH more clear here and everything is tighter. Almost no bass bumps. The clarinet is chiming smoothly with it’s own tonality. You can forget it’s shallow V FR graph with this cable. Vibrato is smoother and near your feet with it’s echoes. The extension fest of the drummer isn’t going on for long. With the usage of this cable 1+3 seems to gain speed.
Hans Zimmer Live in Prague: Driving // Crowd cheering is less audible but Zimmer playing keyboard notes have their own body. The indian drummer master is having no congestion with this cable too. His tiny drum hits are resonancing in the stage. Notes of many instruments are livelier with the usage of this cable. However this 1+3 I have isn’t tuned for mids .Soundstage is not different from the stock cable
Conclusions: The cable to make instruments become real and extensions fast. Even though not flat tuned, slight loss of mids are not making me (I love flat and natural and neutral sound profiles) disturbed.
SilverFi RS1

Jazz at the Pawnhouse: Limehouse Blues // Transparency is clear and the sound signature is very smooth. The bass isn’t thumping or bumping. The clarinet is almost real in front of me and the cash register is clinging at the background. The vibrato is paying me respect and it seem to be blended with others. The extension fest is starting with hand claps with bodies and the extension of the cymbals are clear. The tonality of the keyboard is very joyful although presentation is laid back with this cable SilverFi RS1.
Hans Zimmer Live in Prague: Driving // Crowd cheering is very wide with this cable. The drummer is in my ears. Laid back presentation is clearer now. But the nature of this cable is best with stadium music and 1+3 is going along pretty well. I never missed elevated mids I had found at chifi. This is the great job of both HiFri and RS1 cable. And finally the joy at second mass cheering is another display of both.
Conclusions: I’d like to honor my friend HiFri’s diy 1+3 with using a grand worth RS1 cable. Although the proportion is ridiculous, 1+3 never failed my neutral and flat sound loving personal preference.