Effect Audio Eros S II Review
Hello, this review and feature covers Effect Audio‘s latest Signature Series premium cable named the “Effect Audio Eros S ii”. The Eros S ii is what Effect Audio deems their entry level cable, but if you ask me there isn’t anything “Entry-level” about this cable. The blend of materials that Effect Audio uses within the cable is extremely impressive, butI’ll get into that later. This is also another cable from the brand which employs their ConX connectors (2-pin, MMCX, A2DC, IPX, and Pentacon) as well as terminations (2.5, 3.5, & 4.4). I will cover the ConX fittings later in this review but it’s great to see in their entry lineup. Now, the Eros S ii is actually part of Effect Audio’s Signature Series ii lineup which consists of a couple other fine cable in the $199 Area S ii (Mahir’s Ares S ii Review), the $249 Cadmus ii, and of course the cable I’m reviewing today… The $299 Eros S II. The Signature Series actually first launched a couple of years ago with the original Ares S, Cadmus, and Eros S as Effect Audio gained quite a bit of fanfare for this entry level lineup of premium cables. Of course, over time we quickly saw some offshoots of those original Signature Series cables which also were marginally popular as well.
Mythical characters
Ares, Cadmus, and Eros are actually Greek gods within Greek Mythology. Ares the “god of war”, Cadmus the “phoenician hero and monster slayer” (not a god), and lastly Eros was the “god of love and sex”. As far as this review is concerned, I’ll provide a quick synopsis of Eros, though each story and each mythical personality within the Signature Series has their own story which ultimately themes each respective cable. I find this idea to be utterly awesome. There are a few other brands who choose this method of providing a certain personality to their products and in my opinion it’s always a good idea. As far as Effect Audio’s Signature Series ii lineup it’s fairly evident that the inspiration behind each cable comes from a place of care, expertise, and artistry. Each cable has its own conceptual identity, and I applaud Effect Audio at the final result. Especially with the cable in front of me right now, the Eros S ii.
Eros is said to have been the god of love, sex, and passion and is depicted through these passed-down tales as a young, winged boy and usually has at his side a bow & arrow. He’s the son of Aphrodite and there is reason to believe he is actually the son of Ares as well. Eros has the power to make people fall in love by striking unsuspecting people in the heart with his divine arrows. Now, in Roman mythical tales Eros is said to have been Cupid, just for some reference. Eros is said to have been a very handsome, even beautiful being with a youthful presence, mischievous at times too. In fact, often he would use his power for darker reasons and so there was certainly an element of nefariousness to this character. There is quite a lot more to the story and I won’t bore you here with it all, but I felt a quick rundown of who Eros was may slightly help explain the idea behind the crafting and design of this cable.
Effect Audio
If ever there was a brand which embodies the finer things in audio that brand would certainly be Effect Audio. They’ve been at this audio game since 2009! This threw me for a loop folks. Founded in 2009 by a young Electrical Engineering student who goes by the name of Suyang. Back in the day there really wasnt many options for quality cables, 3rd party cables, and there certainly wasn’t many brands which specifically zeroed in on such a niche segment of the hobbyist community. They just weren’t out there. Over time Effect Audio began applying actual R&D into the pursuit of finer cables, finer materials, finer sound. Eventually their hard work paid off with their legendary “CC Piccolino” cable from the Crystal Cable product line. Needless to say, Effect Audio continued to pursue audio nirvana with better materials, better designs and better sound. I won’t go into every one of their cables that they’ve put to market, but I can tell you that the Eros S ii is the culmination of all of the expertise that Effect Audio has garnered over the years. The crazy thing is that the Eros S ii is part of their entry level lineup.
Let’s get into it
Folks, I couldn’t be more impressed by this brand, and I cannot wait to test out the Eros S ii with a multitude of earphones. In fact, I think I’m ready to test the Eros S ii right now. I’m actually very excited for this one. In this review I will pair this cable with a handful of different sets of different tonal characteristics. I will do my best to describe the unboxing, the build, design as well as the sound. I gotta tell you people… I’m more than happy to do so. So, with all of that said, the Effect Audio Eros S ii everyone…
Non-Affiliated Purchasing Links:
I received the Effect Audio Eros S ii from HiFiGo as a review sample and in exchange I will conduct a full review and feature at Mobileaudiophile.com. I have not received any payment or any other form of compensation for this review. This set is a review sample iem. HiFiGo has not requested to pre-read any review and doesn’t have any control over “what” or “when” anything gets published to mobileaudiophile.com. All thoughts within this review are my own, though please take note that I will always have my own biases. This is impossible to get around. I try to be as objective as my subjective self can be, but this is an opinion piece folks. Thank you to HiFiGo and thanks for reading.

Eros S ii Pros
-Build Quality is really impressive
-The design is just as sleek as it is bold
-TRI-Element SynCompound blend material is awesome to see
-Solid silver core along with pure copper and silver hybrid materials
-ConX connectors are absolutely awesome
-Very airy, vibrant, and controlled presentation
-It’ll clean up the sound of your earphones
-Added control to the low-end
-Subtly warm yet transparent sound
-Adds depth to my music
Eros S ii Cons
-$299 is expensive for many folks
-May not be as flexible as one may like (I don’t think it’s bad at all)
-If you don’t like fat cables, you may not enjoy the Eros S ii
Gear used for testing
-Too many iems to list here but a handful was used primarily:
-Among a few others with more distinct tonal qualities

Packaging / Accessories
When it comes to unboxing experiences Effect Audio aims to please, to wow, to bring upon an experience befitting a more expensive cable. So, the Eros S ii arrived at my home in a rather large black box. On the box is the Eros S logo which is a colored line drawing of what appears to be a tribal head with feathers in its hair, all within a hexagonal artsy border. Very cool looking. Names and phrases on the cover read “Signature Series II”, “Eros S II”, and “Possibilities Unlocked”. Take off the cover and you’ll see the Y-Split only, sitting in a cardboard cut-out. Take off that layer and you’ll notice a stand, or holder (for lack of better words) in which the Eros S ii is wrapped around. Very stylish of you Effect Audio. The whole presentation is so well done. Effect Audio provides the proper care and creativity that a $299 unboxing should embody. Everything is tight, in its place, precisely oriented to give off a very “crem de la crem” feel to it. There isn’t anything other than that in the package that I received. At Purchasing you can choose what ConX fittings you want. In this case the ConX fittings are actually already attached. Anyways, nice work on this Effect Audio, it’s a very proud and stately presentation.
Quick note…
One further note, when I first took the cable out and began looking it over, I noticed the appearance was rather odd. Everything on the cable looked almost dull, not very vibrant, or clean. Of course, it didn’t take long to notice that every fitting, y-split, ConX connectors, etc. were all covered in ridiculously tight plastic. Yes, I called myself a dummy. You don’t have to. Folks, I just want to inform you that actually removing the plastic off of the… well… everything, is painstaking at the least. Nothing is perforated to help in the task of removing the ridiculously tight plastic. So, I’m glad that Effect Audio had the presence of mind to protect the fittings and such but just know…the cable is not really dull, it’s the plastic. Lol.

Build / Internals / Design / Fittings
Build Quality
After unwinding the cable from its “stand” that it comes so neatly packaged with, and after removing all of the plastic wrapped around the fittings and connectors, I was instantly embraced with the feeling of… “Damn, this is nice!”. Seriously though, you’ll see and feel right away the caliber of build that the Eros S ii has. From the 2-pin ConX connectors (or whatever connector you choose) to the y-split down to the cable protector as well as the termination; it’s very easy to see the meticulous build and the design effort afforded this cable. The materials used are hard plastic as well as alloy. The cable itself is 120 cm in length and was actually hand woven in a Litz style by Effect Audio personnel to form a tight weave. I’d explain the cable as semi-flexible yet with a rigid outer sleeve (insulation) which is made using EA UltraFlexi insulation. Not even close to flimsy, at all. Yet in the same breath, the Eros S ii is not going to spring apart when you roll them up, like so many cables in my collection. I love that I can do a four or three finger twist, and the Eros S ii holds its shape. So nice. It’s the little things lads and ladies. All of the fittings are obviously as durable as you can get. However, the cable cinch is oddly thin.
Robust & substantial
Everything on this cable feels almost authoritatively robust and bold in build, yet you have this thin piece of plastic acting as the cinch. Eh, not a big deal. I hardly use them anyways. Folks, I cannot speak highly enough on just how substantial and hardy this cable feels in hand. I could write 10,000 words on that alone. However, we know I cannot do that. My reviews are too long as it is. Anyways, I do like how flexible and pliable the Eros S ii is while still remaining somewhat sturdy, never going limp. The build is fantastic, and I am giving a virtual “pat-on-the-back” to everyone involved with the creation of this cable.

Effect Audio chose hybrid materials when crafting the Eros S ii. They combined a solid silver core with both pure copper alloy and silver alloy, which is a first for the brand. How awesome is that? These materials together are said to have supreme conductivity resulting in excellent speed, richness, and a general lift in macro-dynamics across the spectrum. So, to be exact, the Eros S ii is this series first 8-wire handwoven cable which employs Tri-Element SynCompound (TESC*™) in which Effect Audio states is a “Groundbreaking Triple Material Blend”. The Eros S ii is a thick and fat cable, yet it uses very fine 26AWG (.015” or .403mm) wires which are grouped in six multi-cores surrounding the solid silver core. Honestly, I am not the most well versed in cable material conductivity and I suspect that 99% of hobbyists are also not very well versed in it but I have to imagine that Effect Audio put all of their know-how, years of experience, and expertise into choosing the perfect blend to encompass the character of Eros.
ConX Fittings

Like I said, the Eros S ii features one of the coolest accessories within the audio market where cables are involved. Those are the ConX fittings and adapters. So, the Eros S ii which was supplied to me came with a 4.4 balanced termination as well as two 2-pin adapters. Both screw on using threaded ends and both securely fit on the cable with no issues at all. These adapters and terminations are an absolute game changer for me. No more buying extra cables. All I have to do is change out the 2-pin adapters for what I need. Again, Effect Audio has other connectors that you can purchase as a set or individually. Those being 2-pin, MMCX, Pentacon, IPX, and A2DC. Beyond that, you can also purchase terminations of 3.5 single ended, 2.5 balanced, and 4.4 balanced. Now, I only have the 2-pin connectors unfortunately and so in my testing I could not test any iem with MMCX. Still, I have plenty on hand in the 2-pin format which will tell you and I all that we need to know. The main reason you’d want the ConX system with your cables is versatility number 1. Number 2 is convenience. Lastly, they are made with the best materials possible. Also, the craftsmanship is second to none. Every 2-pin is threaded so perfectly that the second they feel tight in the cable they align perfectly with your earphones. It’s very impressive. I will sing the praises of ConX forever now. I also used them with the Effect Audio Pilgrim Noir which was fantastic to see. Beyond that, ConX fittings happened to be on the Kinera X-Effect Orlog Review that I conducted in 2023 (Orlog Review). I loved them then and I love them now.
I won’t go too long on this, but the design is one of my favorite qualities of this cable. Looking at the cable you’ll see the gorgeous Y-split which features a small clear plastic window. Looking inside you’ll see an ornate forged carbon fiber shavings inlaid with copper and silver speckles to form a very unique design. The cable itself is a matte blue-gray color with tiny speckles which can only be seen in the right light. I love the six-sided design of the termination housing along with all of the fittings which adorn the Eros S ii. Really a very nice-looking cable with almost any earphone. The blue/gray colorway pairs very well aesthetically with any set I attach to it as that matte look seems to be just colorful enough and just bland enough to work well with multiple earphones.

Sound Impressions
I just want to preface this section with the elephant in the room. That is, some believe that cables make a discernible difference in the sound based on the materials used, and others don’t. This back-and-forth argument has gone on as long as I’ve been involved with this hobby and likely way before that. Certainly, one of the most polarizing topics regarding any cable review I complete. That is… how does the cable help with the sound of my earphones? My opinion and belief are that different cables can change or slightly alter how I perceive my music. Not everyone is going to be able to hear what I hear and that is okay. I don’t get disgruntled and frankly I don’t care. I’m not in this hobby to prove to you what I consider truth. Same goes with anything else in life. So, yes, cables can make a difference in how your earphones/headphones actually sound. Yes, the materials “can” make a difference. I’ve known this for years and I’m not alone but not everyone agrees, so do keep that in mind.
Sound Impressions cont…
One thing I can positively state about the Eros S ii is that it helps to improve the clarity and transient speed of some of my earphones. Now, the difference isn’t as easy to hear on all sets. Especially those iems which are already tight, more analytical, speedy and cleaner sounding, like the Simgot EA1000. However, it is so easy to hear the difference when pairing with the Dunu X-Gizaudio for example. The sound is simply more kempt, orderly, maybe better defined. I liken the sound clarity increase to editing a photo. Like when you take a somewhat less focused picture and boost the sharpness just enough or increase the light balance creating a more distinct contrast. That’s what the Eros S ii does to my ears.
Sound between the 20’s
Now, you aren’t going to hear the Myer-Audio CKLVX D62 all of a sudden sounding more bulbous in the sub-bass or the DaVinci coming across even warmer, more physical, fuller, deeper, or meatier. The Eros S ii doesn’t do that, and few cables (that I’ve heard) make such a change that the overall tonal color and note fullness drastically changes. I said drastically. No doubt fully copper cables of good quality can infuse a sense of warmth, a misting, a slight calming of the intensity of a brilliant set. Again, ever-so-slightly. Also, fully silver cables of good quality can add a sense of vibrance, coming across less warm, slightly cooler. The Eros S ii is a combination of these materials yet with a solid silver core. You do the math. With that said, what I hear in the DaVinci is a more compacted note density. It doesn’t lose any weight or fullness. More like the extra fuzz at the crest of a bass note sounds cleaner, notes come across slightly more rounded. Like the bass is coming into focus, ever-so-slightly. It isn’t that the emphasis changes. What changes is the dynamic focus through cleaner notes which helps the sound to come across slightly more vibrant in its impact. Man, I hope this makes sense because there really isn’t a whole lot of ways to say it, in my mind anyways. Now, the D62 is not as obvious as the bass region is already fairly tight, well defined, and isn’t really a bass dominant iem. There just isn’t a huge change to my ears. Generally, I’d say that the Eros S ii will help with texture in the region, note control, and even some perceived note density.
The Eros S ii adds a layer of controlled vibrance to some of my iems yet it will increase transparency on almost all of them. Obviously, something like the Softears Studio 4 won’t come across even cleaner and more resolute than it already is but there is this uptick in controlled vibrancy which helps in overall dynamism to a degree. Generally, the Eros S ii has a rich sounding emphasis in this region which may or may not influence the sound of your earphones in a positive way. I found that sets like the Penon Fan 2 added a layer of transparency that it doesn’t have with the original stock cable for the Fan 2. Like I said, there’s a certain pointed vibrancy, clarity and also moist influence on my earphones in the midrange. The upper regions of the mids sound slightly sprightlier, and I could be dreaming it up but the mids almost sound a hint more forward. I think the extra transparency seems to uplift the mids a bit by contouring notes better, adding a more solid structure to notes in this region. Well, really across the board. The Yanyin Canon II is one of my favorite iems +$300 and without question they come across just as full, yet also a hair more detailed, and also better contoured with more rich textures. It’s hard to explain and I may be doing an awful job of it but this is what I hear. Remember, these findings change from earphone to earphone based on each iems respective tuning etc.
The treble region smooths out any coarseness while providing some additional luminance. Please remember that these impressions are not an across-the-board reality for every set of earphones in an easily distinguishable manner. Again, some earphones are more obvious than others. As with any upgrade cable. However, I do feel the Eros S ii has a bit more of an audible difference. Much more so than my Dunu Hulk cable, for instance. I’m fairly positive that the three-material blend that the Eros S ii is built is a huge contributing factor here. At any rate, the Eros S ii almost helps the treble region to come across with better bite to notes. Along with that bite, or added edge is an uptick in resolution. I suppose I could’ve said the same thing for each 3rd of the mix. Cleaner sounding, transients come across seemingly swifter, better contoured, and defined notes, controlled vibrance, better rigid note density. Basically, you’ll. Hear slightly better transparency and improved extension.
I feel that I’ve already basically covered this section already, but I’ll reiterate. So, the Eros S ii definitely does seem to tighten up the mix. I feel that I hear improved resolution across the board which leads to easier to discern details. Again, this improvement is different from earphone to earphone but by-and-large the difference is there. I feel that detail retrieval is improved which is an after effect of increased resolution and transient speed. Having tighter notes means better separation, especially with an iem which already is more transparent and spacious. However, one thing that I liked hearing more than anything is the slightly deeper and vaster soundstage. I think with the improved dynamism and macro-dynamic expressions along with the extension both ways across the spectrum the Eros S ii seems to help influence the sound to be a bit more open. I certainly think that the Eros S ii does help in most technical ways.

Is it worth the asking price?
This brings us to the $299 question; is the Effect Audio Eros S ii even worth the money that Effect Audio is asking for it? The answer to this will vary greatly from person to person. However, I’m looking at this question from a cable lover’s standpoint. In my opinion, I think that’s the only way to look at it in an honest way. I mean, obviously to the casual hobbyist who doesn’t have $300 swimming in their pockets the Eros S ii is most certainly not going to be something they’d spend their money on. I feel that I can say that. Those folks would likely think you’ve lost your marbles to spend $300 on a cable. Beyond that, you have so many folks screaming that cables make no difference in sound quality too, so that gives the average hobbyist almost no reason to fork over the cash. Still, there are so many folks spending kilo-buck money to own better cables which leaves the Eros S ii in the budget category as far as premium cables are concerned. That all said, in the world of luxury cables there’s no way that I could’ve used this cable for as long as I have and not proclaim that it’s worth every penny that Effect Audio is asking for it. So, strictly for those folks who love to spend their hard-earned money on expensive cables; yes, the Eros S ii is a good buy at this price.
The Why…
It’s true that you could find many cheaper options which are solid upgrade cables, but I can tell you right now that the Eros S ii is special. Any way you twist and turn this cable it is a solid choice in any audio chain. Look at the build, it is built so rugged and durable. Each fitting is robust and evidently very structurally sound. The insulation made using EA UltraFlexi ™ has the coolest feel to it helping the Eros S ii to remain flexible yet rigid enough to not feel flimsy. Effect Audio used very fine materials along with some of my favorite cable accessories in the business with Effect Audio’s ConX connectors and terminations. The fact that the Eros S ii Internals consist of a solid silver core along with a silver and copper alloy blend is wild at this price. Effect Audio calls it their TRI-Element SynCompound used for the first time in this series. Couple those points with the fact that this cable is absolutely dope looking! The Litz braiding, the blue/gray colorway, and the design choice for the fittings (Y-split, termination housing etc.) are very nice touches. However, you cannot forget the actual sound improvements which a cable can provide, and the Eros S ii provides those improvements in spades. It comes across very clean, dynamic, with added punch, bite and overall vibrancy. Just a very well-done cable that I’m happy to be auditioning. So, for anyone who is a cable lover, or even a marginal cable enjoyer I feel that the the Eros S ii is worth every penny.

Final thoughts on the Eros S ii before I conclude
This has been a very glowing review in my opinion. I mean, compliment after compliment. Furthermore, the words flowed like water. This is a product which makes it easy on me. In my opinion there’s only a few things that I “may” change… possibly… maybe. Honestly, I feel that the Eros S ii is a complete product which offers good reward for the cost. Of course, I have to keep reminding you all that I’m speaking for the cable lover here. I already know how the rest of you feel. Yes, I know, no cable should be that expensive… yada, yada, yada. I understand. I’m not speaking to you, and not necessarily even for me. I’m speaking to the person who adores cables in this niche segment of the hobby’s population. This review is for those who have a vested interest in fine cables and receive actual joy in cables. It’s for those who understand the sonic benefits and the aesthetic/functional benefits of a good cable. For those who appreciate this very important piece of the audio chain and hold it in high importance. Or, even for those who want to dabble in what Effect Audio has to offer at the entry level. After all, those are the people who are going to purchase this cable. That’s who this review is really for I think.
It refines
I have had a blast pairing the Eros S ii with many different iems during the course of my time with it. I used way more than I have listed in the gear I used at the beginning of this review. Believe it or not, you begin to get really good at swapping cables on the fly. I got it down to just under 10 seconds (best guess, no I didn’t time myself) and what I found was that the Eros S ii actually improves anything I put on it. In one way or another. Some cable lovers spend kilo-buck amounts on some cables, but the Eros S ii gets you 95% of the way there at under $300. I reviewed the Kinera Orlog ($799) last year and I would take the Eros S ii any and every day of the week over that one. What’s more, the Orlog is an awesome cable. At any rate, please don’t read my words and act like I told you the Eros S ii is going to take your listening experience into the stratosphere. I’m not saying that, and I haven’t said that. What this cable does is refine. It takes off all the extra fat and leaves you with nothing but lean and solid muscle mass, to the extent that each respective iem is able. Punchy, dynamic, clean, and vast are the words which describe the sound benefits for me without losing the original character of your earphones.
Easy Rec
In a nutshell. Again, this won’t be every set, and some will have more obvious benefits over others. Still, I cannot leave this review without personally recommending this cable. So, if you have this type of money, love cables, and desire finding a solid “under $500” cable that will refine your earphones… then this is a definite rec from me.

To conclude my full written review and feature of the Effect Audio Eros S ii I have to first thank the good people of HiFiGo. Thank you very much! Of course, all thoughts are obviously my own although biases are a reality in any subjective review. I explain exactly my thoughts without any pushing from HiFiGo or any brand for that matter. So, I thank HiFiGo for being so hand-off, giving me the reins to speak my truth about what I hear and think. I also thank you, the reader. It’s because of you that mobileaudiophile.com keeps the lights on. Without your clicks and time spent at our site we’d be dust in the wind. Thank you so very much it means everything to us. Every click matters, every moment spent reading matters too. Also, I do hope that whatever link you click at our site that it helps you in your audio journey.
Other perspectives
Every review I’ve ever published will have the same request from me. That is, please check out other thoughts on this cable. Friends, especially with a cable review. The topic of cables is so very polarizing and there really are a ton of different thoughts and opinions about the sonic capabilities (or lack thereof) concerning cables within the audio chain. I really think it’s important that you hear some other folks out as well. Now, of course I give you my absolute version of what I hear, and I’ll always do so as integrity is worth more to me than anything. However, we aren’t all the same. We don’t all hear the same, we don’t all have the same gear, we don’t have the same likes and dislikes all the time and we haven’t all been down similar paths in audio. That is very important. We simply don’t all perceive this hobby the same. So, I hope you’ll do some homework. Beyond that, I think I’m done. Please take good care, stay as safe as possible and always… God Bless!