Final Audio e1000 vs Nicehck x49 we have here.
Aşağıda Nicehck firmasının Final Audio e1000e cevap niteliğinde piyasaya çıkarmış olduğu x49 ile iki ayrı parça üzerinden kıyas mevcuttur. Türkçeleştirilmesi yakın zamanda yapılacaktır.
Both have similar cables yet e1000’s slighly larger and a tiny plastic part as chin guard. X49 has none.
Drivers look like the same.
L – R markings differ. X is stonger on L R markings visibility.
Stress reliefs on X is clearly stronger on near the driver. E has no stress relief addition before the driver.

Track used:
- Swan Lake, op. 20: X. Scene: Moderato
- Hans Zimmer – Live in Prague
Soundwise, though looking alike from the head to the feet, X is agressive and immature and no depth sensation while E had pitch black background with emphasises on the instrument playing nearest you.
Live in Prague takes place in a stadium.
Though I can’t know the exact width / depth of the stage, from its video it looks like pretty wide and has 3 lines of musicians. Pretty of fresh air too. X fails to convey the atmosphere and almost no air around instruments. The whole stage looks (hears) like an ordinary stage. You can’t easily distinguish within the whole feast of 72 instruments..E has air around instruments and in summary its playing way satisfactory than X does with realism, details, zero noise background, near naturalness.
The winner is obviously Final Audio e1000 in this challenge. Though Nicehck x49 isn’t a horrible disaster, it needs sonic engineering or R&D of Japan perfectionism and discipline it provides.