
Review: Letshuoer DZ4 – The Mighty Four

Thanks to Letshuoer for giving us nice times loaded with fun and technicalities, which is available in Letshuoer DZ4 review yet and NM2 years ago. EM2R can be added to that list with a higher price.

Brand and DZ4 Overview

Letshuoer is an audio company renowned for their commitment to delivering exceptional sound quality and immersive listening experiences. Latest  examples were S12 and S12 PRO. With their around 100 bucks model, the Letshuoer DZ4, they showcase their expertise in crafting sophisticated in-ear monitors. 

The Letshuoer DZ4 combines cutting-edge technology, meticulous craftsmanship, and a deep understanding of audio reproduction to produce IEMs that captivate both audiophiles and music enthusiasts. The DZ4 boasts an impressive soundstage, precise instrument separation, and a wide frequency response, highlighting Letshuoer’s dedication to detail. Their sleek and ergonomic design further enhances their reputation in the world of high-quality in-ear monitors.



Whole bunch of technical details

Instrument separation


Capacity to cover the whole range


Nothing to note of unless I deliberately act subjective on negative bias

Technical Specifications


A cleverly  designed box with fibonacchian patterns in the front, and usual text in the back. 

In the box


The usual Letshuoer cable, which ensures trust in their durability. The 216-strand silver-plated copper cable has four cores and a 0.05 mm diameter.


The shell design is unique,compared to many other 3D printed shell designs. Not only the zig zagging air venting carved on the aluminum back plate, the shell is made of an unique form of plastic which feels like a stone. And the nozzle has multiple outputs, this sight is recalling the memory of the Hexa.


Perfect for my M sized conchas. It’s not giving pain in the long listening sessions.

Letshuoer DZ4 Sound

The timbre is forward, so it helps a sneak peek on every single instrument player on the stage.  It has actual vibrating basses at electronic music and pretty good musicality without the bleeding basses, despite the fact that it has 4 DD (3 DD + bass radiator). I can record that the timbre is slightly metallic and brightish (at MBA2022), neutral and darkish (at the ipad 10+Shio), demonstrating its neutrality. 3D imaging is excellent for its price and features it offers. Despite the grills on the back plate, the soundstage is large in all dimensions but not like an open back. And bass resolution can sometimes (like %80 of the time) reveal its DD characteristics. However, the overall resolution is high, and if you nitpick, the previous statement is correct.

I switched to utilizing S-sized balanced eartips, along with an iFi GO bar and an MBA2022, in order to achieve a more even tone. In point of fact, it is currently balanced. Everything that was enjoyable at M tips has evolved into a delicate state. However, certain technological aspects, such as layering, remained the same.


The basses are the main reason for DZ4. And it’s not feeling the strong basses deteriorating effect in delicate genres like smooth jazz. Furthermore, quite good 3D imaging is not to regret, although there are plenty of good basses for smooth jazz. However, in genres that are wide open for bass, the bass capacity is where it shines. You can find yourself wobbling your head. The basses aren’t so thumpy at all. Bass hits of DZ4 can roll off quicker, at times.

Metal music is benefiting from the already solid basses. You know what, hearing the bass kick of the drum and cymbal hit at the same time, with only 1mt of distance between them, is so lovely. Okay DZ4 isn’t so capable of portraying a tiny positioning, but I know the positions of each in the drum kit and the sound I heard convinced me.


Midrange, the heart of every tuning is my eyes, is better than quite satisfactory. Everything has a strong tonality, but vocals are half steps behind the main line. However, DZ4 being suberb for its price, was one of few iems to portray what was said in Solway Firth lyrics. This can’t be out of luck, as it already have some surprising merits. And it’s surely a good addition to its live record portrayal.


Using smooth jazz for describing its treble, is the standard method universally. However, using middle eastern trebles is a valid option too. ME musical culture has lots of treble oriented instruments. Besides having surprising extensions at smooth jazz, Karitas has one of the most life-like performances with DZ4. First and the best was Galileo, for around 100 usd.


There are literally dozens of iems st its price range, but I kept the comparison simple and limited. So here you will be seeing vs Letshuoer x Gizaudio Galileo.

Vs Galileo: Their fits are equally comfortable for my M sized ears. The power needs are similar. But, Galileo has cruder bass guitar bung and 3D imaging isn’t as impressive at smooth jazz. However, the upper mids and soundstaging are a little different (better and larger) than DZ4. At dubstep, they can’t be compared at all. Low end frequencies are more limited at Galileo. However, the middle midrange is dark and unfit for vocal wise resolution. I can’t hear the same vocal details with Gali. The DZ4 has the upper hand here.

vs Simgot EA500

With the bass filter on, EA still falls short of a heavy timbre despite having a dark-neutral timbre.. I am having a hard time to feel the notal weight with it, unless I crank up the volume. (Foobar2000 actually helps with its FLAC playback and I know the bitrate of the file I am listening to) Detail projection is lower than DZ, clarity and 3D imaging too.

DZ has the outstanding advantages of notal weight (and basses overall), layering, soundstage, brilliance (a photography term actually, I tried to mean how higher the upper frequencies go in iem evaluation) and timbre is neutral to bright. EA was dark to neutral even with the source of MBA2022.

Where to Buy


The Letshuoer DZ4 is a versatile and impressive in-ear monitor that delivers a truly enjoyable listening experience. Its forward timbre creates a captivating and immersive soundstage, while the impactful bass adds depth and richness without overpowering other frequencies. The strong midrange reproduction accurately portrays vocals and instruments, capturing intricate details and nuances. What sets the DZ4 apart is its exceptional value for the price, offering high-end sound quality and a premium build at an affordable price point. It is a worthy consideration for discerning music enthusiasts who prioritize both performance and affordability.

95/100 (taking its soon to be announced price into account)

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