With the emergence of Dongle dac amps, Hidizs didn’t stay silent and launched the Hidizs S9pro Plus Martha after their S9 Pro, which we reviewed and gave it roughly 3 over 5. Let’s see what + is bringing to the already crowded table.

First, the shape. The overall shape suits dongle standards. And two female plugs (3.5 and 4.4) on one side; the other side features two knoblike buttons. Lightweight, and non disturbing.
The first results are from Final Audio e1000 and iPad 10.
The dongle is supplying it pretty enough energy at only 1/3 the volume of the iPad 10. This IEM Final e1000 is originally known for its source related power issues; however, it seems that the s9pro+ has managed to do its job effortlessly. It brought some light to its grim face and injected some energy into its Japanese veins. And whatta? I am hearing tiny bits of subbass! This wasn’t the habit of dear old e1k.

And happily, its trebles elevated up. However, this is only a touch of shiny essence. But I can’t say the same for Jamiroqui and his modern funk music. The soundfield is nearly beyond e1k’s boundaries with the +.
Second is Hifiman RE800s’ turn. One of the most impedanced and least sensitive iems in my arsenal.
The AK reminding s9pro+ surprisingly tamed down RE800s with the help of its ESS9038Q2M chip. I am not hearing the ear piercing potency of its trebles anymore. But if I increased it to 2/3 level – or even if dared to move the volume slider to right from where it was – that ESS9038Q2M would be igniting the already explosive trebles Re800s are known for.
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The already strong treble range and its low trebles are helping create a wondrous experience out of re800s and s9pro+ at the Virtual Insanity. Joking aside, it helped both in technical and musical parameters..Yes, I know e1k and this aren’t born equal, but I can differentiate the dongles effects on re800s because the iPad 10 plays somehow dull and expected.
The third is Hisenior MEGA5 EST’s turn.

The clarinet player is blowing his instrument in front of me. Maybe it was because of MEGA5 EST, but I know how 4.4 BAL plugs change the sound, and s9pro+ became the vessel for the change. Speaking of change, I paused the playback and heard only a very faint background noise. This is an improvement over s9pro!
The s9pro+ did a major overhaul of the MEGA5 EST’s playback by supplying it with finely filtered clean energy. And the Jamiroquai came just in time. Virtual Insanity is close to being the epitome of fun with the team play of mega5 est BAL and Hidizs s9pro+
The fourth is the end-game boss, AKG k240 600oHm
Both of these things are extremely difficult to encounter in real life due to the granddady AKG K240’s terrifying sizes, statistics, and reasons for use. Some fellas, however, who are curious about the boundaries of its endpoints would benefit from this playback report.

To begin, the volume bar on the iPad 10 set at 80/100 indicates a medium to high level of volume for the device. Not only does it perform well in that wicked mix, but the soundstage is in a wide box, the image is in my mind, everything is in the appropriate amount, and I am hearing extensions that are giving me reason to smile broadly. When powering up this 600 oHm beast, it did not help much with layering, micro details, or realism, in spite of the fact that it had some beneficial aspects. Each instrument appeared to be partially veiled, as if through a semitransparent veil.

vs S9pro: The main difference is at the soundstage projection and partly in the resolution. The Salnotes Zero benefited less, but the Letshuoer S12 had a healthy boost. S9Pro is smoothing the sound, and S9Pro+ is making the output a touch harsher. While the S9Pro is calm and quiet compared to its update, The S9Pro Plus or S9Pro+, is giving iems with a power of approach nearer to me. And finally, I don’t need to remind you of the obvious power difference. And another main difference is the weight and size.

vs Truthear Shio: The first thing I noticed was its less powerful presentation and darker timbre. It seems like letting the dynamism element go compared to the S9Pro Plus. On a side note, the Zero isn’t as analytical as it was with the S9Pro Plus. And finally, the famous vacuum effect placed within the Scary Monsters is not as sucking deep as it was with Shio. However, the S9Pro Plus is keeping the balance with a lively and snappier playback.
Hidizs S9Pro Plus Review Conclusions
In conclusion, the Hidizs s9pro Plus emerges as a valuable asset in the dongle DAC amp arena, boasting a compatibility range that stretches from IEMs with source-related power issues to high-impedance over-ear headphones. While its performance is characteristically robust and enriching in most pairings, discerning ears seeking meticulous details and unreserved realism might find certain aspects left wanting. The s9pro Plus thus manifests as a substantial upgrade, bringing forth enhanced musicality and a revitalized listening experience in its compact and user-friendly design.
To buy: https://www.hidizs.net/products/hidizs-s9-pro-plus-martha-hifi-balanced-dongle-dac