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Dunu TitanS vs Dunu Vulkan

Dunu TitanS vs Dunu Vulkan is todays comparison
Both compared at 50/100 of dx300 with my usual reference playlist

This is for Misael Garduza.

Construction: They all have equal strength in this. So there is no contest

Sound: Titan S is punching above its price with natural and neutral basses, crisp extensions and high clarity but layering is not in the level of ER line.

Vulkan is Titan S’s big brother with x6 price difference. And the first major difference is the presentation. V is forward and full of energy and T is laid back compared to it. And the energy is a mature one.

However V is not sharing the same fate of forward iems, which is being poor in many technical fields. Layers are clearly separated as well as the instruments are with their textures and 3d images.

V has an immersive and wider soundstage than T. Even math rocks complexity is a breeze and texturing is top notch. Playing God was unbearable with T with all the sharp strings.

V is a positioning radar too. That’s why footsteps in gaming and The Electro Suite (and Dr. Octopuses whispers) pretty realistic to give you thrills.

Conclusions: V and T both are invaluable iems for their price segments. V has the impressive (in quality and quantity) bass, layering, 3d imaging, separation and soundstage. However V isn’t x6 better than T which is already above its price tag and this made T it a golden iem.

Dunu TitanS vs Dunu Vulkan is over. May the giants rest at their corners.

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