
Blon Bl-Max Review

Blon is an ant nest, creating iems near the speed of KZ and this is Blon Bl-Max Review.

Below are my zero minutes thoughts on it. If you do not want to bother, proceed to the SOUND section down blow immediately.

Ps: WoW I am getting nearly Aria2021’s uber amped vibrating basses right now. Track is my usual dubstep track at reviews.

Box, Box Contents, BlonMAX, Specs and Cable 

Box is a longened version of Blon box and reflecting what made the model MAX. Contents are the usual pieces of different sized eartips and manuals. But kudos for the Blon to include a canvas / sacklike carrying pouch.

The unit itself is shiny and have 3 color or texture options. Looking like a tropical ocean exotic jelly fist with a huge upper plate (the back plate) and drivers + male cable connectors are hidden beneath it. Looking odd and it’s taking some time to get used to.

Frequency response
3.5mm gold-plated straight plug
32 ohms
Drive unit
10mm carbon diaphragm + 6mm lightweight diaphragm

The cable is 2 pinned QDC starting with the standart awkwardness of Blons before. Earhooks are turning on themselves when not worn or placed on your ear.


Timbre is bright to neutral. Layering is nice (6.5/10) and presentation is both forward and airy enough to the level of it’s closed back lets. < These all will probably change with amping and cable rolling > Soundstage is wide and somewhat high & deep. Tonality is rich for its price but not like Aria2021 or other kings. Separation is nice as it’s layering. But vocal seperation is better than that. Notal weight and body are both between OK and nice. Extensions are not extending to an infinite horizon. They are losing their already 6/10 spark while decaying an inch faster than they should. Okay to (hardly nice here too.

Bass is Blon Bl-Max’s strongest point. While not bleeding in too much and disturbing, bass bleed is exclusive to its mid-bass territory (found this out at two seperate songs with bass guitar). The overall bass quality is a little bit more than it’s price. But can’t say the same for background bass (of kicks and bass guitar) separation (layering). Even with this minus, dubstep and other bass heavy genres were nice to listen to. While partially retaining it’s budget layering capacity, didn’t lose the control at hiphop and basses hadn’t transformed into thumpy hiccups. And the same for Alice Cooper’s İndependence Dave too.

Mid is displaying the signals of a V frequency curve. Therefore vocals are recessed but mainly to my critical listener ears. Not an issue for the fun seeker as its MAX bass power is making up for it. Besides vocals, nearly all the technicalities are gathered in this region. And they deserve a bronze medal for it’s price level.

Treble is not volumious or piercing as some other iems, so bells made of cast İron at the beginning of High Hopes don’t resonate heavily (along with the vibration within me) as they should. But much more can be said with the help of Tubular Bells. Especially until 03:50 is showing me it’s treble capacity (slightly weaker than the rest and at 11:37 the delicate treble instrument is chiming till the highest notes of a stringed instrument begin at 13:30) and depth its bass descends into. The sound I hear is natural with no artificial treble boost. And leaving the organic instruments alone, treble is sufficent for drum’n bass – dubstep etc.

Amping Blon BL-Max

The amp is the Qudelix Q5K. My review mobile amp. 

First of all, I am withdrawing what I had said about the bleed in bass. It’s much lower now. And background bass seperation is higher by two notches as well as treble resolution. But it hadn’t helped decay and extension issues. So be it for this price segment.

Stage gained more depth and air between layers. Resolution upgrade is very helpful for the high mids and lower treble too. Realism and texture at many instruments at Hans Zimmer – Live in Prague rose up.

Cabling Blon Bl-Max

Raised the bass level and control to a higher level. Somehow “magically” extracted the MAX bassy part while keeping sub basses intact and transformed it’s sound into clinical – and prevented the fun – Raised the seperation of both vocals and instruments. And the same old effect, lowered the Bl-MAX’s power need to reach the same volume.

Blon Bl-MAX Review Conclusions

We have a very weird shaped and non benefiting from higher quality cable IEM at hand. But even the oddities, it’s one of the Blons I loved most with Blon 05s My hopes are high for their new model in the future named as Blon A7.

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