
BGVP NS9 Review

BGVP NS9 Review in the house! I sincerely thank the brand for the review unit. So our earphone community gained a strong cabled 9 (knowles and sonion) BA and DD drivered 4 crossovered hybrid setup valuable player with 3 and difference making filters for sub $200. This move will surely heat up the competition.

Box, BGVP NS9, Cable

Box of BGVP NS9 is looking like the brands previously reviewed model Zero. White and quiet informatitive on the back side. The real thing is in the box. Two different purposed 12 iem tips and a pair of foamies. And the denim carrying case. The cable, 2 pairs of different bass and treble filters and QC card is within the case.

NS9 is a 3d printed sizeable iem fit for my M sized ear and concha volume. 7 BA and 2 DD Knowles+Sonion at this price plus 2 venting holes are a suprise. Connection is your ordinary MMCX. Nozzle is very short. And the lips of the nozzles have double advantage. They both hold the eartip in place and help you change the filters easily by turning the nozzles head counter-clockwise.

Cable is very good just like any older BGVPs like Vg4 But I have to admit that this cable at this price tag is a very rare sight. What about the cable? Cable is looking strong from the top to the bottom. And ready for mobile phones with cases. Cable consists of 3 lines loosely braided together. But the catch is that tri lined structure is made of loosely braided 3 lines 🙂 Iem termination is MMCX and made of chromatic barrels seperated with red and dark blue circlets.

  • Connector:3.5mm
  • Output source:HiFi
  • Material:Metal
  • Line Length:125cm
  • Impedance:32Ω
  • Sensitivity:111dB/mW
  • Frequency Response Range:10-45000Hz


Listenings are done with the stock balanced filter on. Effects of other filters will be covered in a seperate section.

Timbre is dark and natural resembling Final Audio. Tonality is rich. Layering is pretty good. Playing very smooth and not %100 laid back. You are witnessing the stage from a few steps away. Stage is pretty wide and airy. (Reminding me the enormous °240 stage of Tin T2 plus.) Thus the seperation is effortless. Almost like high end iems air around the instruments. (But its not DM8. Do not get your expectations up high) 3d imaging is high as you might guess.


With the stock filter, this iem must be dedicated to low frequencies 🙂 Even the balanced filter throws you lots of bass with quality (resolution) especially at dubstep etc. I was amazed at the first time I listened such track. But thanks to its control power, needless to say it doesn’t ruin your soul or jazz sessions. Well, at least Curtis Mayfield and Charles Mignus says so. But not everything is perfect. Depending on the filter, bass can become boomy if your record is served in a sauce of bass.


With balanced filter on, 3 different lines of chorus-classic instruments and rock & unique ones are distinguishable at their positions at Zimmer Live in Prague. Given the high 3d imaging factor, this iem is very fun and musical when challenged.


The suprising section of this iems tuning. Smooth and plenty and high quality enough to supply a more than okay layering and 3d imaging. But not too high to give you earpain unless you have small ears and this is an issue of fit.


You have Silver, Black and Red filters in its black box. They are essential for NS9’s tuning. Replacing them needs you to take the eartip off and rotating the filter counter clockwise to unscrew first and (thats where the fingers come into play) placing the new filter in position and turning it clockwise. Not for impatient and not so nimble fingered but facing with raw sound coming from its 3 holed opening makes it worth. And another thing that will be discussed in its paragraph.

A. Black

The stock filter coming pre installed on the drivers nozzle. Huge bass with more than decent layering, seperation and okay punch. The sound is like a V with this one on.

B. Red

Red filter is god sent! Reduced the overall bassy atmosphere and withdrew the low frequencies deeper to allow a sub bass. They are restricted to mid bass only. But now all other frequencies came forward and transformed it into a mid centric iem. Punch, seperation, texture, vocal extensions and dynamics rose up as well as layering. Not so impressive with electronic music and its bass drop moments.

C. Silver

The filter in the middle. Not as bassy as the black, not dark as the black, not dynamic and musical as the red and more treble & forwarder than all others. My personal preference is the red.

BGVP NS9 Review Conclusions

NS9 is showing BGVP’s rise they displayed with DM series. Though hurt by BE issue, successfully crafted iems such as this one can help the concious customers heal their trust wounds. If you want to take a bite and taste it yourself, here is the link:

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