
NF Audio NM2+ Review

When I first got my hands on the NF Audio NM2+, I was excited about the promises it held. As a contender in the audiophile world, the NM2+ stands out with its wide soundstage and dynamic range. In this review, I am evaluating the NM2+ using the R4 source and UAPP player in bit-perfect mode.

Disclaimer: This earphone was loaned by NF Audio for the AG Turkey tour. Many thanks to both parties.


The package contents are quite satisfactory. The earphones, various eartips, 6.3mm converter and manual. The build quality and design immediately impress me. The NF Audio NM2+ is sleek and durable and it carries NA2+s fashion. Actually, reverse is true, considering their release dates.

 Technical Specifications

These specifications suggest that the earphones can deliver detailed and dynamic performance across a wide frequency range. The dual-cavity dynamic driver design ensures a natural and balanced sound.

NF Audio NM2+ Sound Characteristics

NF Audio NM2+

Despite being a closed-back earphone, the NM2+ offers an unexpectedly wide soundstage. Its dynamic range is impressive, showing noticeable capabilities in dynamic music genres like rock and blues. The frequency response is quick, showing rapid rises and deep dives depending on the recording. This flexibility allows the earphones to perform well across different music genres.


In blues rock, the bass is controlled and clarity is high. The depth and clarity of the bass are particularly impressive in instruments like the piano and cymbals, adding depth to the performance. The controlled bass allows each note to be clearly articulated without overwhelming other elements of the music. For instance, in tracks with complex arrangements, the bass provides a solid foundation without muddying the midrange or treble. This is particularly beneficial in live recordings or studio tracks where the precision of each instrument’s output is crucial.

Additionally, in bass-heavy genres like drum’n bass, the bass punch and depth are impressive. The NM2+ manages to deliver a satisfying thump that is both dynamic and responsive. The bass is tight and fast, handling rapid sequences with ease. However, some users might find the bass slightly lacking in impact. This can be attributed to the earphone’s overall tuning, which prioritizes balance and clarity over sheer power. For listeners accustomed to a more pronounced bass presence, the NM2+ may seem a bit restrained. Yet, this restraint contributes to a cleaner sound profile, making the NM2+ suitable for a wider range of music styles


The midrange frequencies are well-balanced. When listening to electronic music by Knife Party, the overall tone is not too dark, and the rhythm is felt even with balanced eartips. The midrange is clean and detailed, allowing each note to be clearly heard without being overshadowed by other frequencies. The combination of vocals and high electronic frequencies can be slightly unsettling, but this is more a matter of personal taste than a fault of the earphones. The clarity of the vocals enhances the emotional depth of the songs, making them more engaging and immersive.

The midrange’s cleanliness and detail level are particularly impressive in jazz and vocal-heavy music genres. In these genres, the NF2+ excels in bringing out the nuances of each instrument and the subtleties of vocal performances. The earphones capture the richness and texture of midrange frequencies, allowing for a more lifelike and intimate listening experience. This is especially noticeable in live recordings, where the accuracy and clarity of the midrange can make you feel as if you are in the audience, experiencing the performance firsthand.


In heavy metal, the playback speed feels slightly faster, with high-resolution cymbals. The clarity of the cymbals and the detailed treble frequencies show that the NM2+ performs well in these ranges. The treble frequencies are crisp and clear, enhancing the overall listening experience by bringing out the finer details in the music. The high-resolution cymbals add a layer of sophistication, making the tracks sound more refined and polished.

However, some users may notice a slight metallic tone and sibilance in the treble, which can be fatiguing over long listening sessions. This slight metallic tone can be attributed to the earphone’s tuning, which emphasizes clarity and detail in the high frequencies. While this can enhance the listening experience for some genres, it may become overwhelming in others, especially during extended listening periods.

 Performance and Listening Experience

Sort of summary

Users of the NM2+ can expect a detailed, immersive listening experience. The earphones seem capable of revealing subtleties in recordings while also delivering impact when needed. This balance of detail and dynamism can make for an engaging and fatigue-free listening session across various musical styles.

In drum’n bass, especially live recordings, the organic bass is impressive and feels immersive. The transparency is high, the vocals are not buried, and the 3D imaging is impressive. The sound remains uncluttered, allowing for clear instrument separation. The soundstage is wide and layered, with well-positioned instruments 

 Performance with Atmospheric Eartips

Switching to white, fleshy, and wide nozzle atmospheric eartips makes a noticeable impact on the sound. The realism in cymbals increases, with extensions that fade into darkness smoothly. The bass guitar strings in some tracks become more atmospheric and less sharp, suggesting a softening of the frequency response’s edges. This results in a more natural and realistic sound experience, especially in live music performances.

MM2+ Atmosphere Eartips

In symphonic rock, the dynamics significantly improve, and the drums approach tactile feedback levels. However, the closed-back nature of the NM2+ and the limitations of studio recordings become apparent. In Tool’s “Sober,” the slight vibrations of the bass guitar greet me, and the explosiveness of the track clearly increases. This effect is also evident in APC’s “Passive,” with a spine-chilling intensity.

Pros and Cons

NF Audio NM2+ Pros and Cons



NF Audio NM2+ Review

In conclusion, I can say that the NF Audio NM2+ offers an interesting listening experience with its dark tones and detailed treble extensions. Its dynamism and impressive performance in symphonic rock and post-rock genres, combined with its strong bass and clear vocals in pop music, clearly show that this model offers versatile use. However, I should also mention that its overall tonality (with black eartips) may feel less “juicy” to some listeners. 

I believe the NM2+ is focused on providing a studio monitor experience rather than fun and, when sufficiently powered, could be an alternative to Ety models, especially in professional use. (R4 partially provides this.) NF Audio’s new model (at least compared to NM2) is a noteworthy option for sound engineers / audiophiles and music enthusiasts. 

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