
Myer-Audio CKLVX CK-D41 Review


So today I have with me the Myer Audio CK D41 and it was sent to me directly by MYER AUDIO, but I really want to clarify that while the CK D41 was provided to me for this review, this fact does not influence the objectivity of my review or the assessment of its value proposition. I strive to always provide an honest and unbiased review based solely on the performance of the product itself. 


So lets start with talking a bit about Myer Audio. They has been around in the headphone industry for over 20 years and they were mostly working behind the scenes by making products for other brands… But in 2023, Myer Audio decided to step into the game with their own products! like the CKLVX and SLIIVO. These new products are really showing their great build and sound quality!

And today I’ve got for you the D41, which comes with custom designed drivers in a 3 way crossover. 1 dynamic driver for bass, 2 balanced armatures for mids, and 2 balanced armatures for highs.

I really believe that Myer Audio’s products are worth checking out, and they have the potential to become a big name in the audio world.

Unboxing and Accessories: 

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The unboxing experience of the D41 is actually quite nice. Although the box itself is very simple, with just the labeling of the CKLVX product line… But when opened, you immediately can see the attention to detail and quality that this IEM brings. You can purchase it pretty much all the time at 139$ on a discount.

So inside the box, the D41 IEMs nestled in a foam insert. The first thing that catches the eye is the amazing shell design, with almost lava like faceplate. And the build quality of the shells is robust and again, very beautiful in my opinion and showing Myer Audio’s dedication to great craftsmanship!


Mow moving to the accessories, the D41 includes in my opinion a very high quality stock cable that is probably one of the best in this price range. The cables construction is durable, very soft, not springy, thick, and beautiful.


The included ear are regular silicone tips and tips with a red color core, those actually very similar to Spinfit tips in the design, with tilting ends. I think that it is really awesome as I love the Spinfit tilting tips and those almost do the same. There are also red foam tips which offers an alternative option for those who prefer foam tips.


Furthermore, the D41 package includes a great quality round pleather zipper case with very soft velvet inside and it gives a very soft protection for the IEMs and accessories during travel or storage.

So all in all, I think the unboxing and accessories of the Myer Audio D41 gives an overall premium and satisfying unboxing experience. From the beautiful shell design to the quality stock cable and nice ear tips.

Sound performance:

So I will describe D41 sound as balanced with a touch of brightness and bass boost. it gives a dynamic and engaging sound. Its timbre is natural and detailed which allows for a clear and pretty accurate reproduction of instruments and vocals. But although it’s definitely great for its price, it is not flawless…


Sub base:

The Myer Audio D41 shows an impressive bass performance which has a good impact and texture. delivered by a single dynamic driver, this IEM brings a rich and actually very immersive sub bass. The sub bass notes are pronounced and extend well into the lower frequencies, and provides a solid foundation for the overall sound signature. I should say that It isn’t the quickest bass that I’ve heard, but it definitely has great presence and great impact.

Mid base:

Moving up to the mid bass, here the D41 shows great control, which makes sure that the bass remains tight without bleeding into the mids! This controlled mid bass response makes it so the presentation keeps itself clean and allows the bass note to be heard distinctly and with precision.

Can it handle complexities?:

Now here, I was pretty impressed! The CK-D41’s bass performance give great punchiness and energy. The bass notes carry a sense of deep, rumbly and impactful note that are great for electronic music. Despite its energetic nature, the bass keeps itself well balanced with the rest of the frequency spectrum.
So overall I would say that the D41 brings a versatile bass performance that adapts to the nuances of each track and making it pretty versatile.


Now the midrange performance of the Myer Audio D41 can be described as balanced and detailed with clarity, natural vocals and instruments. With a configuration of two balanced armature drivers for the mids and two for the highs, the D41 achieves a level of midrange performance that are very impressive for the price!

Lower mids:

The D41 offers a smooth and rich sound to instruments such as guitars, pianos, and lower register vocals. The lower mids have a satisfying warmth and body, which adds depth to the sound without overwhelming the overall balance. This richness in the lower mids gives a thick presentation that shows the natural timbre of instruments and vocals and makes them sound lifelike and engaging.

Upper mids:

Moving up to the upper mids, here the D41 keeps an excellent clarity and transparency. Female vocals, in particular, benefit from the D41’s upper midrange tuning and they appear clear, detailed, and well extended without sounding bright or harsh. I would say that the upper mids brings a balance between presence and smoothness.

Timbre and tonality:

Another strong characteristic of the D41’s midrange performance is its ability to handle complex tracks with ease. Instruments are well separated within the midrange and are creating a spacious and layered soundstage that adds depth to the music. I perceive the mids as very natural sounding but with a little added warmth.

Furthermore, I was very impressed by the balanced armature drivers which have a very natural sound without the typical BA timbre… They are fast and accurate, which results in precise instrument attacks and decay. This level of detail and resolution in the midrange adds realism to the audio reproduction.


The highs of the Myer Audio D41 are shown as vibrant and detailed, the extension of treble frequencies and airiness are amazing! However, it’s important to note that while the D41 has a very good high frequency extension and detail retrieval, it may come across as slightly bright or harsh to those who are sensitive to boosted high frequencies…

Treble extension:

Starting with the treble extension. The D41 reaches impressively high frequencies! It manages to capture very little micro details in the upper register of instruments and vocals. Cymbals, hi hats, and other high frequency elements are rendered with clarity and sparkle which adds a sense of liveliness and energy to the sound signature. The extended treble helps to make a spacious and open soundstage with a great overall sense of air.

Now in terms of detail retrieval, the D41 really shines! It reveals tiny textures in the high frequency that may even go unnoticed on lesser performing IEMs. I perceive the treble as very crisp and it allows for great extension and decay, even in complex tracks.

Great, but…

However… it’s worth mentioning that the D41’s treble presentation can lean towards being slightly bright and sharp, especially with recordings with a lot of on high frequency content… While this brightness adds a sense of energy to the music, it may be fatiguing for listeners who prefer a smoother or more laid back treble response. Sibilant sounds such as cymbals can be too bright in some occasion, especially with recordings that are already bright or forward in the treble…

Despite the potential for brightness, I think that the D41’s treble performance remains very good, detailed and airy, which makes it well suited for genres with lively and dynamic treble.


The technical performance, oh boy! The D41 technicalities really extends beyond. They are really impressive in terms of soundstage, imaging and overall spatial presentation.


Lets start with the soundstage, the D41 offers a pretty spacious environment that allows instruments and vocals to breathe and every elements has its own position in the stage. The stage width and depth are very impressive, for the price and for an IEM in general! I would say that it creates a sense of immersion and openness to the music.


Imaging is another area where the D41 shows great capabilities! The very accurate placement of instruments and vocals within the soundstage is amazing The imaging has great localization and separation which allows me pinpoint the exact position of each sound source. This level of imaging accuracy is very good for an IEM in this price range!


Furthermore, I feel that the D41’s layering is great! The IEM shows excellent layering which makes instruments and vocals keep their individuality and never blend together, even in complex tracks such as “Retreat and Reveille” by Hans Zimmer.
So in terms of technicalities, the D41’s soundstage, imaging and layering are excellent. They are giving a sense of space, depth and separation.

Comparing it to the Truthear Nova:

The Myer Audio D41 and the Truthear Nova both are in my opinion excellent options in the 150$ IEM price range, and each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Starting with the build and design, both IEMs feature attractive aesthetics and solid construction. The D41 has lava like faceplate, while the Nova offers a blue like scale design. In terms of fit, the D41’s and the Nova present almost the same size, shape, and weight.

Sound performance:

And lets talk about the most interesting part, the sound performance. Here the D41 has a thicker midbass, which gives a weighty note to male vocals while keeping female vocals clear. What impresses me more are the details and clarity. The midrange is rich and detailed with balanced presentation that shines with vocals and instruments. On the other hand, the Nova leans towards a more neutral sound signature, with a slightly leaner overall frequency, as it is Harman tuned…

In terms of treble, I feel that both of them are bringing a high level of detail and extension, with the D41 having a slightly brighter upper treble that may be more suitable for those who enjoy a more airy and detailed treble. The Nova, while also detailed it is definitely smoother in this region.

When it comes to technical capabilities, both the D41 and the Nova excel in different aspects. The D41 gives a holographic stage, impressive layering and excellent resolution which makes it a top choice for soundstage performance and imaging. And on the other hand, the Nova focuses on clarity and precision, with still very accurate imaging and separation between instruments.


In terms of accessories and value, the D41 comes with top quality accessories such as a premium cable and great carrying case. The Nova, while offering a solid accessory package that beats the D41 in terms of eartips selection, but it is still not a match for the D41’s premium cable and carrying case.

Overall, the choice between the Myer Audio D41 and the Truthear Nova depends on personal preferences. The D41 has better soundstage, bass impact, and overall technical performance, which makes it a better choice for those who want a dynamic and immersive sound. On the other hand, the Nova is for listeners who prioritize neutrality, smoothness, and the sound of Harman target.


So I can easily say that Myer Audio D41 stands out as a remarkable IEM, especially when considering its price points of $156 and 139$ while on discount. With in my opinion very beautiful design with a lava like faceplate, the D41 immediately gets attention. So I say that the overall build quality, sound quality and included accessories makes it a great value.

The sound performance of the D41 are amazing! It has a neutral bass that gives an impactful yet controlled kick. The midrange is rich and detailed with balanced presentation. Vocals, both male and female, are beautifully rendered with excellent clarity and richness, although higher pitched female vocals may exhibit a slight sharpness on certain tracks…

In the treble region, D41 surprises with its airy extension and high level of detail, although it may as well be slightly bright for some people… However, the overall technical capabilities, including soundstage, imaging and resolution, are where the D41 truly shines. It offers a dynamic sound, with a big stage and impressive layering.

So the verdict is that the D41’s sound quality, great package which includes top quality accessories and the option for a balanced connector, makes it a standout choice, and I can easily recommend it in the under 200$ price category!



Where to buy: Myer-Audio official AliExpress store

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