
FiiO FA19 Review: All-BA Done Right!


Ok, so I want to say that the FiiO FA19 featured in this review was provided to me directly from FiiO for my evaluation and review. And I have not received any payment or any other form of compensation for this review! FiiO has not requested to preview or edit this review and does not have any control over its content or timing of publication. Every opinion expressed here is my own, and I base my assessments of the FA19 only on its performance, features, and overall experience with it and I strive to give honest and unbiased feedback to my readers!
I want to furthermore express my thankfulness to FiiO for this amazing opportunity, and to thank you, the reader, for reading.


So, as I see it, the FiiO FA19 stands as the pinnacle of audio engineering, with the best modern technology and in collaboration with Knowles for the 4 BA bass drivers and amazing craftsmanship. And all of this to deliver an exceptional sound experience. As the flagship all BA model in Fiio’s lineup, the FA19 aims to set new standards in the all BA IEMs at the $999.99 price tag.

With a configuration of 10 Knowles BA drivers, and in my opinion a very interesting design elements, and a wealth of accessories, the FA19 is designed for audiophile seeking both musicality and technical precision at a very high level!

And today we will talk about all the aspects that make the FA19 a standout performer, from its build quality and comfort to its sound tuning and very impressive technical capabilities.

Unboxing Experience

The unboxing experience of the FiiO FA19 is an absolute luxury, and it definitely gives me the vibe a top tier IEM! The moment I got my hands on the packaging, it was evident that the FiiO FA19 is a very premium product.

So when opening the sleek there is matte black box, and you are greeted with a very well organized layout that showcases the IEMs themselves. The FA19 earpieces are placed securely in a plastic housing (which I didn’t quite like… and it was hard to get them out of there…), highlighting their absolutely beautiful design and craftsmanship. The semi transparent shells gives a pretty clear view of the internal components, and I think its pretty cool.

Under the IEMs, a second layer houses the extensive array of accessories that accompany the FA19. The accessory lineup is truly fit for a king, featuring:

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In my opinion, a good selection of eartips will always ensure a good fit and optimal sound for every user, and this one gives nothing else but an amazing selection of tips! And the package includes:

Inside the carrying case were also two full sets of premium eartips, which include:


The FA19 comes with a high-quality silver cable, braided in an 8-stranded configuration of 224 pure silver wires in a Litz configuration and sheathed in TPU. To be honest, the TPU is a bit stiff, making the cable a bit springy. The modular design includes both 3.5 mm single ended and 4.4 mm balanced outputs, and it makes it more versatile with different audio sources.


Additional accessories include an MMCX removal tool for safe detachment of the cables, a magnetic clasp for cable management, and a cleaning brush with a pin to flick the tuning switches.

Carrying Case: 

The HB5 carrying case is a large, great-quality, beautiful, and leatherette semi-rigid case with internal IEM compartments lined with velvety material to protect the IEMs and accessories during transport.

The unboxing experience is designed to be as satisfying and user-friendly as possible, with each item meticulously placed and easy to access. The absolute amazing variety and quality of the accessories shows FiiO’s commitment for a complete and versatile package which will ensure that every aspect of the experience is exceptional! And from the moment you open the box, the FiiO FA19 gives a premium quality and attention to detail.

Technical Specifications

Driver Configuration:

Balanced Armature Drivers: The FA19 has 10 high quality Knowles balanced armature (BA) drivers per side.


A 3 way crossover design, with a Rubycon film capacitor and a midrange notch filter supposed to give a seamless transition across the audio frequency spectrum.


Impedance: 10 Ω. The low impedance makes the FA19 easy to drive yet tricky, as you must have a very low resistance and clean output from the AMP as it can lead to distortions and noises, so the source has to be a quality one.

Tuning Features:

Tuning Switches: The FA19 features tuning switches that gives the option to customize the sound profile a bit.

And in my opinion, with these switches FiiO is showing users how amazing and greatly tuned the BA bass came out!

Build and Design:

The design is very comfortable, as it is very lightweight and has a very ergonomic shape. Thanks to the vented housing, pressure was never a problem, although isolation does suffer a bit, but nothing too serious. For me, the FA19 brings great comfort, even for long listening sessions. The shell design is one of the most comfortable shapes I’ve tried. I can sit with them for hours without any discomfort; this characteristic is something that is hard to get from other multi driver IEMs, as they tend to be bigger.

Special Features:

Vented Sub Woofer Concept: The FA19 has a unique vented sub-woofer design, mimicking the bass characteristics of dynamic drivers (DD) by enhancing bass extension, maintaining bass integrity, extending soundstage, and preventing excessive pressure buildup as well.
Extended Acoustic Tube (S Turbo Concept): This patented design by FiiO lengthens the acoustic tube to serve as a filtering devise to effectively eliminate high-frequency sound waves from the bass BA drivers.

These technical specifications shows the advanced engineering and thoughtful design that went into creating the Fiio FA19. With its combination of high quality drivers, versatile tuning options, and robust build, the FA19 stands out as a top tier IEM capable of delivering exceptional audio performance.

Sound performance

The FiiO FA19 has a very unique sound signature, and it is warm neutral. It gives a balance between musicality and technical precision. Its tonality gives a smooth and natural timbre all around, with a very transparent midrange, controlled bass and smooth yet resolving treble. This harmonious tuning makes sure that every instrument and vocal is rendered with accuracy!

Bass Performance: that’s how BA Bass should be!

The bass performance of the FiiO FA19 is nothing short of exceptional! and it is offering a level of depth, impact, and texture that is reminiscent of high end dynamic driver setups. Thanks to its innovative vented sub woofer concept and precise tuning, the FA19 gives a bass reproduction that competes with traditional DD setups while keeping the clarity and speed characteristic of balanced armature drivers..

Vented Sub Woofer Concept:

The FA19’s bass drivers are designed with a vented sub woofer, and by FiiO claims, this allows for a better bass extension and decay. This innovative design mimics the natural movement of air found in dynamic drivers and it gives the bass notes that are very deep, resonant and immersive.

Texture and detail:

So despite its powerful bass response, I clearly can feel that the FA19 keeps a very impressive control and detail, which makes sure that each bass note is rendered with precision and clarity. The FA19 captures the subtle textures and nuances present in the music with excellence. For example, when I’m listening to music like “ENTROPYYY” and “Acid Rain” by Lorn and “Consumed” by The Haxan Cloak, I really feel the bass impact, and it allows me to hear every kick with great clarity, depth and power.

Speed and Dynamics:

One of the standout qualities of the FA19’s bass performance is its speed and dynamics. Thanks to its balanced armature drivers and the great tuning, the FA19 brings bass lines with great responsiveness which keeps a good space between kicks even in the most complex tracks. When I listen to fast tracks like “Bfg Division” or “Rip & Tear” by Mick Gordon, the FA19’s bass keeps a tight and dynamic sound.

Versatility and adaptability

The FA19’s bass performance is very versatile and it makes it well suitable for a wide range of musical genres. I really think that the FA19 can effortlessly accommodate your sound preferences and tastes. The bass never becomes muddy. A good example would be “Vantablack” by Perturbator, which presents the bass and male vocals amazingly, and with each of them being placed separately without ever interfering with each other. Another example of great vocal performance is “Everybody Walkin’ This Land” by Home Free, where the low male vocals sound clean and clear without ever becoming blended or overshadowed by the low bass voice.

Tuning Switches: Exploring Versatility

The FiiO FA19 offers more with its tuning switches and it gives users the flexibility to change a bit the sound signature according to their preferences. These switches give a different sound profile which gives the option to tune the FA19’s bass performance. And again, I pretty sure that FiiO added this option to show everyone how powerful, precise, greatly textured, and natural the bass performance was achieved by them in this collaboration with Knowles. 

Stock Tuning: Warm-Neutral Signature

In its default configuration, the FA19 brings a warm, neutral signature that gives a balance between musicality and accuracy. This stock tuning has its natural tonality, transparent midrange, and smooth treble response. It gives a reference like sound signature, and although it is a bit warm, it still greatly reproduces the original recording.

Bass Boost: Adding Excitement

Engaging the bass boost switch injects additional energy and impact into the FA19’s low frequency performance. This setting makes more focus on the mid bass and sub bass regions and enhances the overall richness and depth of the sound. Bass heavy genres such as hip hop or electronic benefit from this boost, as it gives tracks a warmth, power and presence. The downside of this setting is the bass bleed, which can blend a bit into the mids because of its darker tone and enhanced mid-bass.

Experimentation and Exploration:

In this case, I’m positive that the tuning switches and the huge variety of different ear tips on the FiiO FA19 makes it possible to tune the sound signature, and they give users the freedom to make the sound signature to their taste.

Midrange Performance: Transparency and Clarity

Lower Midrange: Transparent and Detailed

I do feel that in the lower midrange the FA19 keeps a transparent and detailed presentation, which allows instruments and vocals to be rendered with great accuracy. Although there is a slight lift in the lower mids and a recession in the mids, there is no muddiness or congestion due to it being a BA bass, which is much faster than a DD bass, ensuring that each note is articulated with clarity and definition. (Keep in mind that with the switch turned on, there is a slight muddiness caused by the warmer mid-base and overall darker presentation.)

In the song “In the Blood” from Hades, which is performed by Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett, this transparency in the lower midrange contributes to a clean and uncolored sound signature, making you able to discern subtle nuances and intricacies within the music and between the male and female voices in this fantastic vocal performance.

Upper Midrange: Forward and Expressive

Now moving to the upper midrange, the FA19 shows a forward character that gives vocals and instruments a very good presentation. Female vocals, in particular, benefit from the added emphasis in this frequency rang and it gives a sense of intimacy and emotionality. In “Gravity” by Steven Price, her vocals extend amazingly with great definition and clarity, never sounding harsh. The FA19 strikes a delicate balance between forwardness and neutrality in the upper midrange, ensuring that vocals retain their natural tonality while still having authority within the mix.

Instrument Separation and Cohesion

One very big standout feature of the FA19’s midrange performance is its exceptional instrument separation and placement. Even in complex tracks like “Retreat and Reveille” by Hans Zimmer, I could clearly hear each instrument and where it is place, and when I heard it for the first time with the FA19, there was a huge smile on my face the entire time! You can easily hear every finger slapped on that goblet drum and from where it comes. This level of spatial accuracy enhances the overall sense of immersion and realism which transports you into the heart of the musical performance with breathtaking clarity and precision.

Smooth Transition to Treble

Furthermore, the FA19 has a very smooth transition from the midrange to the treble frequencies. There are no abrupt peaks or dips in the frequency response, and it gives a good and balanced sound signature that keeps the natural timbre and texture of each instrument and vocal.

High Frequency Performance: Resolving and Refined

Treble Extension and Airiness:

The FA19 gives a very impressive treble extension and it reaches into the uppermost frequencies with amazing clarity. This extended treble response really gives the sense of airiness and spaciousness within the soundstage and it makes the overall sense of openness and dimensionality in the music. High frequency transients are rendered with precision which ensures that all the little nuances and micro details are faithfully reproduced without sounding harsh.

Smooth and controlled:

Unlike some other IEMs that may have sharp peaks or sibilance in the treble region, the FA19 keeps a smooth and controlled treble presentation. High frequency notes are rendered with finesse and delicacy, striking a delicate balance between detail retrieval and musicality. In “Flying Drone” by Hans Zimmer, every detail of the orchestra is rendered exceptionally well. Every instrument sounds so natural and extends well into the upper treble region with a lot of air, yet there is a notable absence of harshness or fatigue and it allows you to enjoy extended listening sessions without any discomfort or fatigue.

Instrumental Texture and Timbre:

In terms of instrumental texture and timbre I can say that the FA19 excels at capturing the little nuances of high frequency instruments such as cymbals, strings and brass. And for example, in “Time” by Hans Zimmer, each instrument is rendered with lifelike accuracy and realism which keeps a very natural timbre and tonality.

Extensive decay:

The highs on the FiiO FA19 are detailed and airy. I can feel it capturing even the finest details with clarity. A sense of space and airiness is presented even better, thanks to the long lasting decay, which makes the overall sound even more natural, lifelike and full.

Technical Performance: Great Precision and Accuracy

Soundstage: Expansive and Engaging

One of the things I noticed immediately is the FA19’s HUGE soundstage, which stretches far beyond what I thought was possible for an IEM. Instruments and vocals are presented with great spatial separation and dimensionality! Whether I’m listening to Yosi Horikawa, Dan Gibson’s Solitudes, or even the magnificence of Hans Zimmer, I can feel that the FA19’s soundstage adds a new dimension to the sound.

Imaging and Separation: Pinpoint Precision

In addition to its big soundstage, the FA19 also has a great imaging and separation, which allows me to tell the exact placement of instruments within the stage. I can hear that each instrument has its own space within the soundstage and it creates a sense of depth and realism to the songs. In my opinion, the FA19’s imaging and separation are pretty much second to none, and they make sure that each musical element is rendered with great precision and accuracy.

Detail Retrieval: Unparalleled Fidelity

When it comes to detail retrieval, the FA19 captures even the tiniest micro details in the music with amazing resolution. From the decay of an organ note to the harmonics of the vocal line in “Mountains” by Hans Zimmer (yes, there are vocals in this soundtrack, and many…), for example, every element is rendered with great clarity which allows you to hear new layers of detail with each listen. Even in tracks like “Anvil” by Lorn, where every little detail can be heard easily. I must say, the FA19’s detail retrieval really impresses me!

Dynamic Range and Transparency:

Furthermore, the FA19 exhibits an impressive dynamic range and transparency, allowing you to experience the full spectrum of musical dynamics with great realism and impact. From the soft piano passages to the full orchestral music, the FA19 keeps its control, transparency and clarity.

So in my point of view, the FiiO FA19 really stands as the pinnacle of technical excellence. Whether giving the expansive soundstage of a live concert hall, the pinpoint placement of instrument, or the detail retrieval of every little thing in the track, the FA19 delivers an impressive experience that is as special as it presents itself!


So my verdict is that the FiiO FA19 stands as a gateway to almost excellence, showcasing the culmination of years of research, innovation, and craftsmanship. From its meticulous design and construction to its performance, the FA19 shows how high you can achieve in the world of IEMs.

Musicality meets technicality:

At its core, the FA19 brings a great balance between musicality and technicality, which offers a warm yet neutral signature that is as engaging as it is accurate. so whether you’re listening to orchestra, hip hop, electronic, metal, rock, or any other genre, the FA19 captures the essence of the music with absolutely amazing fidelity and emotion.


One of the standout features of the FA19 is its versatility and customization options. With tuning switches that offer the choice between a warm neutral signature and a bass boosted sound profile, the FA19 shows how well FiiO managed to make this BA bass.

Unrivaled Build Quality and Comfort:

In addition to its great sound performance, the FA19 also has an absolutely amazing build quality and comfort, and it surely shows how great is the design. Crafted from high quality resin via DLP 3D printing technology, the FA19 gives beauty and functionality, with a lightweight yet robust construction that gives me hours of comfortable enjoyment. It is really one of the most comfortable IEMs I have used, and the shell is really not as big (they are big, but I have seen much bigger…) as other IEMs with such a large number of drivers.



Where to buy: FiiO Official AliExpress Store, FiiO Official Site.

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