
Dunu Titan S Review

Dunu Titan S

Dunu is a brand from China but unlike many other brands, they are known for +$250 iems however this case changed with the emerge of the Dunu Titan S. Let’s look at it’s details and examine further.
Here read my first impressions:

Here I’ll be covering Dunu Titan S first impressions with different tracks. And I’ll insert their youtube versions just for the reader’s compatibility with what I heard. And Dunu Titan S Definitely wants an amp as 90/100 off V30 is not ear hurting. This is a clear indicator 

Welcome to Dunu Titan S in this first impressions post. LCP diaphragm, lightweight CCAW voice coil, N52 internal magnet, and dual-chambered housing and the cyberpunk inspired looks are it’s main differences considering others.

1st is Jazz at The Pawnshop – Limehouse Blues

I hear naturalness all over plus a great transparency. 3d imaging is very good as it’s tonality too. Even without an amp, dynamic range and transparency is wonderful for its price. Bass guitar is the main deficiency IMO so far as it does not have an obvious body. But clarinet, cymbals, piano, vibraphone etc are almost real. Hand claps at the end of the song too.

2nd is Warrior Sound of the Qemists

I began with soft and natural, and continue with the harsh atmosphere of drum’n bass. The sound I hear is headwobbing and just like the genre name says. Drums and bass. Basses are not striking like mauls. The sound is analytic here and basses look like stripped from their slamming factor I recently witnessed at Lea..I am not impressed at this song with Titan

3rd is The Nighthawks – Walk That Walk

In this fast paced blues rock song, layering is pretty good. Middle aged men singing just to you and harmonia is slashing in this aged and trashed sounding record. (Pretty normal if you know the group and the music) Bass of the bass guitar is almost symbolic here. I can hear it here but I can’t find the body in hq. But in Chicken and the Hawk of the same daddies, bass is overwhelming from the first moment. Thus its bass can be called neutral (err, flat according to the frequency curve graphs and flat means neutral in my experience).

4th and last is DT – The Miracle and the Sleeper

Complex structure of the famous metal song is very easy to listen to with TitanS. The overall atmosphere is in clinical perfection. Not like the rusted and teared down like the daddies above. Basses are not disturbing or causing mid bass thump. Drummer’s strikes are conceivable from each other and the band members are clearly separated from each other. No bleed of any sort of minus here. I suspect after an amp, this song will shine and show its true potential.

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Box, Dunu Titan S and the Cable

Box is an art of design. And you see its carrying box first. And a blue leatherette carrying case. It’s cable and driver units are all protected in pouches. Plus many eartips and a clip

Dunu Titan S is designed in cyberpunk style. It’s color looks like weared copper. And two wenting opening are placed at both sides. And an actual wenting mesh is located near it’s nozzle.

Cable is “monocrystalline copper and silver-plated copper mixed”. Braided nicely. Besides the long and cool name, I’ll see it’s real SQ at the recabling test.


Timbre is neutral to somewhat dark. Soundstage is airy for a closed back. This airyness is not only from the width of the stage, its wide in all directions and I can hear the concert in its hall. Bass is well refined and neutral natured. I am not hearing the same level of bass at every song. Especially at bands like SMV – 3 masters of bass – every instrument is alive. Hearing their materials and stresses are wonderful.  Mids are adding up a realistic experience. Vocals are surprisingly clear for it’s price. Tonality is a strong side of it.. Transparency is more than nice. But has the potential to be like a monitor when amped up. Treble is more than nice. With the high resolution and control factor, its performing fast and non fatiguing at drum and bass. Keyboard into at metal is resonating like it should. And quite a separation and high resolution at cymbals even in metal albeit they are rolled off quickly. And leave all that above aside, hearing no bass hump is impressive at Amorphis.

Amping Dunu Titan S

This cyberpunk thing is a power monster! Not getting distorted with 400mV of power is a clear sign.

Everything it’s doing good is more “polished” right now with enhancements on musicality with diminished bass guitar sounds. And the stage of the pub where the recording took place is immersing me in.

And did perfect with drum n bass in both treble and bass. With not so gentle attacks and rhythms, it’s not a gentleman anymore at this setting. But keep in mind being a gentleman in origin is preventing you roar like a thunder storm and power isn’t changing your nature.

Recabling Dunu Titan S

I used my standart 6N Pure Copper cable. First thing I noticed is the need TO raise the volume by two clicks..this means the original cable is worthy of it’s long name.

Instruments at the Pawnshop gained sharper edges / harshness and a little bit of speed. Timbre learned down to warmness. At electronic music still not slamming but rise of harshness did good with that synthetic genre.

Dunu Titan S

Dunu Titan S Review Conclusions

Here is an iem I must raise my hat for. While not getting truly better with recabling is worth praises, the careful and meticulous design and tune of this iem is making this a lovely companion under $100..

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