
Blon Z300 x HBB Review – The Goldie

The Blon Z300 x HBB was bought with my own money, I will try to be as objective as possible and being a common audio enthusiast I will use simple words in this review.


I would have liked to own the Blon-03 for a comparison but it has never convinced me, plus I’ve always read very conflicting opinions probably due to its shape and very short nozzle. These Blon Z300 in gold with a decidedly more ergonomic shape piqued my interest.  

I want to clarify that I am not an audiophile, I’m just a guy that likes to test out different IEMs/DACs and spends a lot of time listening to music.

So I’m not going to be super technical but I will do my best to describe them.

Tech Specs:

Blon Z300 Packaging:

The Blon Z300 box is the classic one we see with all KZ, TRN, Kbear models, quite standard and cheap but if it helps keep the price down that’s fine.  The range of accessories, on the other hand, I would say is decidedly good. Personally I prefer to have higher quality accessories rather than a luxury box.

Blon Z300 Accessories:

What surprised me the most is definitely the quality of the cable.  It is very difficult to find a similar cable at this price point. Take a look to the details!

Blon Z300 Design/Build Quality:

If I think that the Blon Z300 only cost about 35 USD, their build quality does not reflect its price at all. The construction is absolutely perfect. 

The thickness of the metal shell is out of mind, they weigh much more than the average but are not annoying (personal opinion). 

The fit is pretty standard and I think I can fit most ears.  I recommend changing the tips with something more performing like the Kbear07 or Nicehck07.

Pay attention to the connector because it is not the classic QDC but something different.  So changing the cable is not that simple and immediate but it may require some connectors mod.

Initial sound impression:

Right out of the box they already sound good, or rather they reflect my tastes.  I would say a warm sound with good bass without losing too much detail in the treble area. 

As for the tuning I would say V-shaped (HBB target in this case) with smooth high frequencies, while the mids seem a little bit recessed. Pretty good for a single DD!

I did about 50 hours of burn-in and then I went back to listening to them.

Final sound impression:

Equipment used for testing above.




I’m not listing the tracks because they’re too much.

Stock tips were good but I’ve instantly swapped it with some Nicehck07 tips.

How does it sound?

I confirm my first impressions adding that it has a certain musicality but in some tracks the sound seems to get mixed up a bit.

Considering HBB’s target as regards tuning, the importance given to the weight of low frequencies is definitely felt.

The most emphasized are the mid-bass which are very pleasant, also the sub-bass is well represented. You can physically feel the bass weight!

It’s dark timbre doesn’t help the recessed mids. The stringed instruments sound slightly warmer than they should while the female vocals I still like anyway.

About the trebles they are on the safe side, it’s quite hard to hear some harshness also on high volume. Decent air and extension.

Personally I would have dared something more on the high frequencies in order to have some more detail but it’s completely fine and already so good.

Personally I have noticed a better synergy coupled with slightly brighter DACs like ESS.

This target sound can fit most people so probably it’s the best choice. Treble sensitive and bass lovers this set suits your tastes.

Blon Z300 Soundstage & Imaging:

The Blon Z300 soundstage is average (or slightly above average) and is mostly given by the bass, which being well pronounced gives a sense of envelopment. 

However, these sensations vary with the quality of the recordings, so at least make sure you have good quality files.

Even if the timbre is dark, it maintains a certain clarity in the medium and high frequencies which makes it pleasant.

The separation is also good, it’s not hard to distinguish the details.  I have to say that personally I really like them especially for the kind of music I listen to most often, like EDM, Chill, House, R&B.


I’ve had HBB branded iems in the past but this is definitely the best after QKZxHBB Khan. Aside from the KZ DQ6S which was a scam, I recently bought the KZ PR2 V2 but to be honest these Blon Z300s are better. They sound good and you don’t need a powerful DAC to drive them. The high frequencies and sound timbre are better on the Z300. Considering the price and the quality of the materials used as a direct alternative there are the Tripowin Piccolo (I haven’t had the chance to try them yet) which should be more detailed.




Where to buy:

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