
AFUL MagicOne Review – Beauty in Simplicity

The AFUL MagicOne is an intriguing piece in the world of in-ear monitors (IEMs). It distinguishes itself primarily by using a single balanced armature driver, a choice that is relatively uncommon in a market where multi-driver setups predominate. This unique design decision results in a sound that is both neutral and slightly warm, striking a balance that appeals to a wide range of listeners. The MagicOne’s sound is characterized by excellent imaging and outstanding separation of instruments, offering a refined audio experience that does justice to complex musical arrangements. Despite only having a single driver, the bass is surprisingly satisfying and full. Overall, the AFUL MagicOne promises a high-quality listening experience, combining technical prowess with a sound signature.

1 × BA Driver
Impedance 38 oHm
Sensitivity 103 dB

Box, AFUL MagicOne, Cable

The box is black and quite informative. But the real beauty is in the box.

The frosted yet transparent and tiny triangular-formed shell is easy to put on and carry. Intricate internal components are elegantly displayed. The shell’s appearance reminded me of Tanchjim Kara’s.

The AFUL MagicOne impresses with its high-quality cable, which is crafted from high-purity, oxygen-free copper and silver-plated, featuring a 32+37 cable configuration. This Litz Type 4 coaxial shielded structure ensures smooth signal transmission with minimal external interference. Furthermore, the MagicOne utilizes a versatile 2-pin 0.78mm connector and either a 3.5mm or 4.4mm plugged cable. Those 3.5mm and 4.4mm plugs, enhance its compatibility and ease of use across various devices.

The AFUL MagicOne comes with two sets of different tips in sizes S, M, and L, for a total of six pairs of tips.
A handy durable carry case
The removable cable
User guide

AFUL MagicOne Sound

After further exploration of the AFUL MagicOne, especially when powered by the clean and potent dc04pro, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation of its capabilities. The dynamic range is excellent, injecting life and excitement into my listening sessions. The bass response is particularly noteworthy for a single BA setup; it’s robust and well-articulated, laying down a solid foundation in music without overpowering the midrange. This is especially apparent in intense hardcore tracks by Slipknot, where the bass adds depth yet maintains a clean sound. Additionally, the single BA design remarkably enhances vocal clarity, a feature that shines in complex tracks where vocals could easily get lost. The MagicOne allows for an impressive level of detail and separation, making it possible to discern individual lyrics in dense arrangements.

The soundstage, while not exceptionally wide, is deep and clear, offering an immersive experience that creates a sense of space around instruments, adding to the lifelike and three-dimensional quality of the sound. The precise imaging enhances my enjoyment, allowing me to accurately locate instruments in my hearing field. Comfort is another significant strength of the MagicOne, crucial for long listening sessions and making it suitable for a broad range of musical genres. The midrange performance is airy and spacious, and while the treble is high in resolution, it occasionally loses some presence, suggesting a slight harshness that might affect the detail at higher frequencies in certain tracks. 


Given that the MagicOne only uses a single BA driver for power, the bass response is a standout feature. It’s robust and well-defined, forming a solid musical foundation. In tracks with a strong rhythmic component, like those by Slipknot, the bass delivers an energetic pulse that’s palpable yet controlled. This controlled presence ensures that the bass adds depth to the music without muddying the midrange, showcasing a finely-tuned balance that enhances the overall listening experience.


The midrange performance of the MagicOne is characterized by its airy and spacious quality. This open and uncluttered sound signature is crucial for maintaining clarity and the separation of instruments and vocals. The ability to comfortably discern individual instruments and lyrics in complex musical arrangements speaks to the impressive detail and separation capabilities of the single BA design. This clear and spacious midrange makes the Magicone suitable for a wide range of musical genres, offering a versatile listening experience.


In the treble range, the MagicOne exhibits high resolution, bringing out the finer details in music. However, there are moments where the treble seems to lose some presence, akin to salt grains diminishing in size. This could indicate a slight harshness in the treble response that might affect the perception of detail in higher frequencies in some tracks. Despite this, the treble maintains a level of clarity and detail that complements the overall sound profile of the IEM, contributing to its nice, yet narrow at times, soundstage and imaging.


vs Truthear Hexa: The AFUL MagicOne excels in vocal reproduction, making music sound richer, especially in songs where vocals are important. However, it sometimes emphasizes sharp, high-pitched sounds. The Truthear Hexa, in contrast, offers a balanced sound with detailed audio quality across various music types. If I want to listen to music with a focus on vocals, I prefer the AFUL MagicOne. But for listening to a wide range of music genres, the Truthear Hexa’s adaptability is more suitable.

vs Tanchjim Kara: The Kara, with its five-driver hybrid setup, boasts a balanced and detailed sound profile, excelling in clarity. It’s open, detailed, and mid-centric, ideal for listeners who value nuance in their audio. In contrast, the AFUL MagicOne adopts a more relaxed approach. Its bass, while full, is less aggressive, catering to those who prefer a laid-back listening experience. The MagicOne is designed for comfort and ease, making it less suited for analytical listening but great for a more casual, effortless audio experience. Both IEMs serve different preferences, with the Kara focusing on detail and clarity and the MagicOne on a smoother, more relaxed sound.

vs Simgot EM6L: From my personal perspective, the AFUL MagicOne and Simgot EM6L offer different listening experiences. The AFUL MagicOne stands out for its powerful vocal reproduction, which brings richness and depth to music, particularly in genres where vocals are the focal point. However, I’ve noticed that it can sometimes amplify sibilance, which may be a drawback for certain listeners. In contrast, the Simgot EM6L presents a more balanced sound signature, making it versatile for a broader range of musical styles. Its sound does not overly emphasize any specific frequency range, which I find appealing as someone who enjoys a variety of music genres. Depending on individual preferences, those who value vocal clarity and depth might lean towards the AFUL MagicOne, while the Simgot EM6L could be a better choice for listeners like me who appreciate an IEM that can handle a wide spectrum of musical styles.

Eartip Rolling

with Dvinus Velvet: Divinus Velvet eartips, in my experience, tend to change the sound of IEMs significantly. Generally, when I use these eartips, I notice an enhancement in the clarity and brightness of the sound. There’s a noticeable increase in treble presence and airiness, which makes the overall sound profile feel more open and detailed. Particularly, the soundstage seems to expand, giving a sense of more space and separation between instruments. This can be quite beneficial for IEMs that have a more closed or narrow soundstage. Additionally, the boost in treble and air can make the music feel more lively and engaging. However, it’s important to note that these changes can vary depending on the specific IEMs being used.


Excellent Dynamic Range: Brings life and excitement to the listening experience.

Robust Bass Response: Well-defined and solid, without overpowering the midrange.

Enhanced Vocal Clarity: The single BA design effectively brings out vocal details, even in complex tracks.

Impressive Soundstage and Imaging: Offers an immersive experience with a sense of depth and clarity.

Comfortable Fit: Suitable for long listening sessions, this is a significant advantage for in-ear monitors.

Airy and Spacious Midrange: Provides clarity and separation of instruments, enhancing the overall listening experience.


Occasional Loss of Treble Presence: There can be moments where the treble loses some clarity, affecting the detail in higher frequencies.

Slight Harshness in Treble: This might affect the perception of details in certain tracks.

Soundstage Width: While the soundstage is deep and clear, it isn’t exceptionally wide, which may be a drawback for some listeners seeking a more expansive sound.

AFUL MagicOne Review Conclusions

I am honestly impressed with AFUL MagicOne’s performance as a reviewer. This IEM excels at delicate audio reproduction due to its single balanced armature. The midrange is notably impressive, delivering precision and realism, especially with the vocals, which sound full and warm. The MagicOne manages to create deep and elastic bass for a single BA unit, while simultaneously maintaining a smooth and detailed treble. Its image and instrument separation are excellent, leading to a spacious soundstage presentation. Overall, the AFUL MagicOne stands out as an excellent all-arounder, capable of handling a wide range of music genres, and is particularly remarkable for its balanced sound profile, which does not excessively emphasize any area, be it bass or treble. Because of its versatility, it is suited for a wide range of listening preferences. And thanks to HifiGO for the sample.

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