
Fosi Audio VOL20 Review: Life Changer Accessory


Today we finally talk about something that is not headphones, IEM, or DAC but an accessory that, unexpectedly, I could consider a life changer. The Fosi Audio VOL20 is nothing more than a Bluetooth accessory or peripheral (just like a mouse or keyboard) that, however, has the exclusive task of controlling the multimedia department of the device to which it is connected.

The review, as always, will be completely unbiased and uninfluenced.

I would like to remind you that I am just a person who enjoys trying out new items and listening to a lot of music; I am not an expert.

My opinions are obviously subjective.

Tech Specs:


The Fosi Audio VOL20 for being a product on Kickstarter or Beta Test seems more like a finished product ready to be sold. From the packaging, you can already tell that we are dealing with a more than finished product; if it were a pre-production product, we would be dealing with something that is not completely cared for in detail. The box is refined; it has suffered a bit of trauma during transport but the internal padding is abundant. Perhaps the size of the box could have been smaller. Inside, we simply find the Fosi Audio VOL20 and its Type C to USB/Type C cable, along with the manual. The instructions are not even necessary; the product is extremely intuitive.

On the back of the box, it says “stress relief toy”, which doesn’t seem right to me at all. It’s not a fidget spinner so I would have put “makes your life easier” or something similar instead.

Build quality/First impressions:

The Fosi Audio VOL20 sports a minimal design inspired by their recent models and colors. In terms of build quality, the product appears very solid; after all, it is almost entirely made of zinc alloy, which gives it a certain weight. The weight is also useful to give it stability on the desk when you go to adjust the volume. The feedback of the knob is excellent, similar to that of the Fosi SK02 but better. On the sides at the bottom, we find 2 orange metal buttons, a type C socket and a hole with the LED that indicates charging. The two metal buttons have just a slightly too light feedback; I think the choice of the switch can make the difference. At the bottom, instead, we have the on/off switch. In the lower part, there is an anti-slip material.


Nowadays, it is fashionable to put LEDs on everything and in this case, we have several LEDs. By removing the knob, we can see how the real heart of the product is much more compact than it seems. By removing the knob, you can see that there are 8 LEDs positioned in a crown. The lighting modes can be chosen at will between the following:

In addition to all this, holding down the light/bluetooth button enters the fixed light selection mode. The preselected one is green but you can easily choose any other color.

How does it work?

Initially, I was a little uncertain about its practical use but I realized that it would be a small change in my life. Once it arrives, you just have to charge it (if it is empty), turn it on from the button below, and search for it with the device you intend to connect it to. Once connected, you are ready to go. No configuration or drivers are needed; it is plug & play.

Overall, it is a small “keyboard” for controlling the multimedia side.

What will surprise you is how convenient a product like this is—the speed of use of the same that allows for immediate and precise volume adjustment. Much more direct than any keyboard or having to use the mouse to adjust the volume from some curtain on the screen. But its usefulness does not stop only in the PC world. In fact, it can also be used on smartphones.

Can it be used with a smartphone or other devices?

Absolutely yes! Maybe there won’t be many users of the Fosi Audio VOL20 with smartphones but as someone who often uses the smartphone with dongles connected, I couldn’t help but notice how convenient it is to adjust the volume via the Fosi Audio VOL20 instead of looking for the buttons on the phone or dongle.

Since it works with Android products, I deduce that use with DAP is also possible. I haven’t tested it with iOS products.

However, there is an important observation to make, namely that if the dongles or audio devices you want to control have absolute volume (not adjustable from the device) or independent volume, adjustment will either not be possible or will only be possible partially.

But there is more; it also works with Android TV and, I suspect, with any Android-based TV box. So the uses can be endless and it can be integrated anywhere for convenience. It is good for the gamer, for the audiophile but also for the movie buff to adjust the volume of a soundbar or home theater (if the TV is responsible for controlling it).

Who do I recommend this to?

Fosi Audio VOL20 360° Reel

I think anyone who has ever had trouble or boredom adjusting the volume might like to have a product like the Fosi Audio VOL20. Its use is very broad, perhaps even more than I discovered by testing it. Basically, any device that can somehow connect BT devices, such as keyboards, is 99% compatible with this Fosi VOL20. I would never have thought that a similar product would be useful to me but I had to change my mind.

Especially when I lie in bed with my smartphone listening to music with a dongle, having the Fosi Audio VOL20 connected allows me to lay my hand on it and adjust or change songs without even opening my eyes. Same thing when I’m on the PC; I don’t even have to look at it, and in an instant I adjust the volume. The play/pause and skip buttons should perhaps have been made more prominent or with a sort of tip (braille style) to recognize them immediately.

There is room for improvement, no doubt. Introducing a clickable volume knob with play/pause and skip functions could be another alternative.

Final Rating

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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